Southern CA update
A little detail of the Angels game from Tuesday: The official attendence was a little over 30,000. The current baseball capacity of Edison Field is 44, 500. By looking around the field, 30,000 is a stretch. The lower deck was about 85% full. The club (middle) level was of similar percentage. The upper deck was virtually empty. I would be surprised if there were 25,000 actually there. Note to Major League Baseball: Stop having day games during the week. (Some people actually have jobs!) Reduce the quantity of games so that one game might actually matter. Lower the ticket prices. With some of these changes, maybe, just maybe, we would see some more people come to the games.
Speaking of specifics, our seats were excellent. We were in the "diamond club section" which is behind home plate. I was staring at the first base line, only 10 rows from the grass. The seats are padded, and the entire section has access to a full service restaurant and bar. You can sit in the restaurant, in your seat, or outside on the patio. The tables have white table cloths. They bring you a menu at your seat. First class, all the way. Late in the game, a foul ball came over the net, and after a weird bounce landed one row in front of me, and only two (unoccupied) seats over. I leaned over to get it. What luck! Alas, 'twas not to be. A mexican gentlemen dove in the air from the next section over and wrestled it away. During the scuffle, he lost his glasses (which I later returned to him), and scraped up both knees and one elbow. Even though bloody, he appeared content to have retrieved the ball. (he obviously needed it more than I did) When the game ended, he was still sitting in his seat, bleeding, holding the ball in his hand with a large smile.
On Wednesday we had a very extensive tour of the Callaway vineyard and winery in Temecula. Beautiful place. Rolling hills covered with vines. A very modern, state of the art facility. They showed us the entire place (a two and half hour tour), followed by a tasting and a catered lunch. This combined with a discount at the gift shop, and our beautiful hostess Nancy, we had a hard time leaving!
On the way back to Orange we dropped in on Don's friends Pat and Dale Rolph in Sun City. They are comfortably retired and have a lovely, finely appointed home. We grilled out, and engaged in great conversation. Wonderful people.
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